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SAFER Card™ – Screening Device (100 PACK)

Original price was: $500.00.Current price is: $399.00.

Key SAFER Observations*


How It Works

SAFER Campus™ System

Our advanced campus solution enables you to screen your members one time each day for the entire day.

When a subject passes the SAFER screen, our system gives them a mobile day pass on their phone for use anywhere on campus. No app is needed – our technology makes it automatic.

Contact us for more information on our SAFER Campus System.

The SAFER Card™ system is designed for daily use in businesses, campuses, and anywhere people come together.

The Science

The specific scents used on SAFER Cards were selected based on an eight-week study performed by Dr. Davis to discover optimal screening scents.

The card process is designed as a “blind” screen – neither the screener nor the subject knows the answer until after the scent has been gues


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